Raw Hair And How To Test If A Hair Is Raw

1.What is Raw hair?

Raw hair is 100% unprocessed hair collected from one donor. Therefore, it is directly cut from a donor and immediately wrapped into a bundle in order to keep all cuticles intact and in the same direction.

Hair from one donor

2.Four ways to test raw hair

2.1.Clarifying/ Neutralizing Shampoo test

First, you fill a container up with lukewarm water, dip the bundle into the water. And then pour your preferred clarifying shampoo onto the bundle and massage it into the bundle in a downward motion

Second, you make sure that you apply enough product so that you see suds when brushing. Let the bundle soak for 5-10 minutes. 

Third, If the water is clear and has white suds, the hair has passed the test and is unprocessed. If the water is dark brown, yellow, or orange and has pink suds, the hair has either been processed or colored.

Shampoo test

2.2.Bleach test

Firstly, you bleach a strand of the bundle with 30 developers for about 45-60 minutes, while checking on the hair every 30 minutes. 

The unprocessed hair should lighten to a nice 613 blonde color. There should also be NO darker strands of hair, this can indicate that there are fillers or synthetic strands of hair in the bundle. Finally, after bleaching, washing, and conditioning the hair, the extensions should remain smooth and soft.

Bleach test into 613# color

2.3.Burn test raw hair

Simply burn a piece of the hair with a lighter. Then feel the burnt hair. If it is human hair, it will shrivel up and turn to ash. If it is synthetic hair, it will shrivel up and melt. 

2.4.Cuticle test raw hair

Another quick way to test if the hair extensions are raw or not is through the cuticle test. Before washing the hair, take a pair of scissors and scrape the hair bundle. If you see a white residue the hair is raw.

The white residue is simply just the outer layer of the hair strand. Although, If you see a brown residue, the hair has been processed.

 Scrap test getting white dust

3.Livihair, a reliable company selling raw hair in Vietnam

Livihair sells fresh hair at a very reasonable price. With over 10 years of experience in the hair market, people in hair groups vote us as a top company selling human hair in Vietnam. So you don’t have any worries about cheating or losing money when working with Livihair.

So let’s come to Livihair Joyce to place an order.

Whatsapp: + 84 971927101  (Ms Joyce Livihair) or go to our Website: https://livihair.com/